Sunday, May 31, 2009

nola Day 1

Well we made it,
We had a great time on the way down and made great time. I also believe that we left an hour earlier this year (my bad on that). This morning we woke up and went to church..awesome service but two hours was a bunch ha ha. God moved in the service is the hearts of some of our students. After church we came back and ate lunch, after that we left a rode the street cars/trolley and during this time the students sat and talked to complete stranger (we had a close eye on them). We rode all the way down to the end of town and the went to the river walk. It was amazing to see the students go and talk to people without us even having to encourage them to do so. They really have a heart for missions. God is moving already and today is Day 1. It is so exciting to see what all God has for us on this trip.
Also God gave us some scripture for this trip and I would love to encourage all of you to read it. It is Isa 61. We believe this is what God has brought us to do. The boldness and faith that our students (your children) have is incredible. They are warriors for Jesus. I hope all is well back in the sham...We love you all and miss you and thank you for your prayers.

Until next time,
Andy Stinespring